FIXME: Work in progress!

Plugging In Front USB

After first powering up the used DSP-1283, no reset or other changes done by me, I checked for it on the network by looking for DHCP requests with the LAN port plugged in. Nothing was found.

The front USB port (for programing) does show a "COM3" and windows downloaded drivers for other devices too.

USB Serial Device
When the front panel USB is plugged into a Windows box it finds a virtual USB serial device.

But when trying COM3 via putty via 9600 and 115200 baud an error comes up.

Device attached to the system is not functioning
When trying COM3 via putty via 9600 and 115200 baud an error comes up.

Pressing the setup button and connecting, booting with it held down and connecting, and other similar options produced no results.

I did note when the USB is plugged into a Linux box the system shows it as a "RNDIS/Ethernet Gadget". Finding the drivers here you can then access it. Or use Ubuntu 20.04 without any other drivers like I did.

After doing a tcpdump and finding the box doing DHCP requests on the USB interface, I setup a local dhcp server in docker and was able to do a port scan of it. That gave me 22, TCP/41794, and TCP/41795. I'm not sure what 41794 does yet. But 41795 is a telnet console server. You can login without creds or issues on mine.

Ethernet Help Info

DSP-1283>help ethernet
8021XTRUStedcas               Administrator       Select/List 802.1x Trusted CA Certificates
ADDBLOCKEDip                  Administrator       Add an IP Address to the blocked list
ADDDns                        Administrator       Add an entry to DNS server List
ADDMaster                     Programmer          Add an entry to IP table
BROADcast                     Administrator       Enable Error Broadcast
CERTIFicate                   Administrator       Add, Remove, List or View Certificates
CIPPORT                       Programmer          Set port number for CIP
CRPCPort                      Operator            Set port number for CRPC
CTPCONSOLE                    Administrator       Enable/Disable CTP
CTPPORT                       Administrator       Set port number for CTP
DEFRouter                     Administrator       Set default router
DHCP                          Administrator       Control dynamic IP addressing
DHCPOpt                       Administrator       Use FQDN in DHCP Discover Request
DOMAinname                    Administrator       Set domain name
ETHERNET                      Operator            Enable/disable Ethernet
GETPAsswordrule               Administrator       Display password rules
HEARTBEATTIMEOUT              Operator            Set/Get heartbeat timeout
HOSTname                      Administrator       Set hostname
ICMP                          Administrator       Turn ON/OFF ICMP
IPAddress                     Administrator       Set IP address
IPCONFIG                      Operator            Display/Configure IP Settings
IPMask                        Administrator       Set IP subnet mask
LISTBLOCKEDip                 Administrator       List the blocked IP addresses
LISTDNS                       Operator            Display the list of DNS servers
REMBLOCKEDip                  Administrator       Remove an IP Address from the blocked list
REMDns                        Administrator       Remove an entry from DNS server List
REMMaster                     Programmer          Remove a master entry
ROUTEADD                      Administrator       Add a static IP route
ROUTEDELete                   Administrator       Delete a static IP route
ROUTEPRINT                    Administrator       Print Kernel IP routing table
ROUTETRACE                    Administrator       Trace the route of an IP address
SECURECIPport                 Programmer          Set the secure (SSL) port number for CIP
SETCSAUTHENTICATION           Administrator       Set Control System Authentication credentials.
SETLOCKOUTTIME                Administrator       Set time that an IP is blocked from login
SETLOGINAttempts              Administrator       Set the number of login attempts before blocking
SETLogoffidletime             Administrator       Set idle time allowed before current user is automatically logged off
SETPAsswordrule               Administrator       Set password rules
SNMP                          Programmer          Enable/disable Simple Network Management Protocol
SNMPAccess                    Programmer          Configure Access Rights for SNMP Communities
SNMPCONtact                   Programmer          Configure an SNMP manager
SNMPLOCation                  Programmer          Configure an SNMP manager
SNMPMANager                   Programmer          Configure an SNMP manager
SSHPORt                       Administrator       Enable/Disable and configure SSH port number
SSL                           Administrator       Display/Set SSL type
TESTDNS                       Operator            Test DNS Server
ETHERNET [<device_num> ON | OFF [/now]]
        device_num - 0..n
        ON - enables LAN
        OFF - disables LAN
        /now - take effect without a reboot
        No parameter - displays current setting
DSP-1283>DHCP ?
DHCP [<device_num>  <ON | OFF> [/now]]
        device_num - 0..n
        ON - enables DHCP for device_num
        OFF - disables DHCP for device_num
        REL_RENEW - performs a DHCP release and renew for device_num
        /now - take effect without a reboot
        No parameter - displays current setting

With those two commands I easily turned on DHCP on the LAN interface (aka 0 or eth0)

Ethernet 0 (eth0): On
Ethernet 1 (eth1): Off

Then I connected in normally from my network using the DHCP address it pulled (the MAC is on a labal on the back of the unit) on TCP/41795 using telnet.

Turning Off SSL Verification

SSL: Off, CA

DSP-1283>ssl ?
        where 'OFF' turns off SSL,
        where 'NOVERIFY' turns on SSL, but accepts any certificate from the control system without verifying it,
        where 'CA' sets SSL to use 'CA' issued certificates (certificate authority ),
        No parameter - displays the current setting

DSP-1283>ssl noverify
Reboot to take effect...
Rebooting system.  Please wait...

Enabling SSH

While I'm unsure if this would help, hurt, or what it'd do...

DSP-1283>sshpor ?
SSHPORT [OFF | ON | port number]
        [OFF | ON ] - Disables/Enables SSH. Default is ON
        portnumber - desired port number (in decimal).
        no parameter - displays current value

DSP-1283>sshpor on
New SSH state settings. Reboot to take effect.

Rebooting system.  Please wait...

Generating Docs

The Code

Found this on github:


Running `BuildCrestronCommandReference -ip`

The Results

Example of command docs generated
An example of the docs generated for the command set.

CIP & CRPC Port(s)

CIP port = 41794

CRPC port = 41794

Setting The Hostname

Host Name: SF-DSP01

DSP-1283>host ?
HOSTNAME [string] [/now]
        string - ASCII string containing host name
        /now - take effect without a reboot
        No parameter - current value

DSP-1283>host GP-DSP01 /now
New host name set.  Taking effect immediately.

Initalize The File System

Initalize The File System
Initalize The File System - Interesting Command!

IPCONFIG Command - Handy!

ipconfig command
The `ipconfig` command looks handy for getting some quick info!

Interesting - I wonder...


IP Table:
CIP_ID  Type    Status     DevID  Port   IP Address/SiteName      RoomId
    40  Gway    OFFLINE           41796

DSP-1283>iptable ?
        -T Display data in a tabular format

DSP-1283>iptable -t
IP Table:t
CIP_ID  |Type    |Status    |DevID   |Port   |IP Address/SiteName       |Model Name          |Description         |RoomId
    40  |Gway    |OFFLINE   |        |41796  |               |                    |                    |

Secure CIP Port

Only showed up since I'd run SSL NOVERIFY earlier.

Current Secure(SSL) CIP port = 41796 - On

Old Upgrade Results

It does look *nix-ish.

--- Results of GOLDEN IMAGE update ----
Start Upgrade on Fri Sep  7 15:44:19 EDT 2018
Archive:  /mnt/sdcard/ROMDISK/romdisk/user/system/
  inflating: build.prop
  inflating: crestronUbootVersion.txt
  inflating: MLO
  inflating: u-boot.img
  inflating: uImage
  inflating: system.img
  inflating: MLO.hash
  inflating: u-boot.img.hash
  inflating: uImage.hash
  inflating: system.img.hash
  inflating: manifest
  inflating: new_manifest
Finish Unzip on Fri Sep  7 15:46:29 EDT 2018
Starting bulk Verify
validateFile(): VALIDATEHASH /mnt/sdcard/ROMDISK/romdisk/user/system/image/MLO returned validHash=0
Validated hash for upgrade file MLO...updating
validateFile(): VALIDATEHASH /mnt/sdcard/ROMDISK/romdisk/user/system/image/ returned validHash=0
Validated hash for upgrade file
validateFile(): VALIDATEHASH /mnt/sdcard/ROMDISK/romdisk/user/system/image/system.img returned validHash=0
Validated hash for upgrade file system.img...updating
validateFile(): VALIDATEHASH /mnt/sdcard/ROMDISK/romdisk/user/system/image/u-boot.img returned validHash=0
Validated hash for upgrade file u-boot.img...updating
validateFile(): VALIDATEHASH /mnt/sdcard/ROMDISK/romdisk/user/system/image/uImage returned validHash=0
Validated hash for upgrade file uImage...updating
Fri Sep  7 15:48:09 EDT 2018: Upgrading kernel-golden
Fri Sep  7 15:48:09 EDT 2018: FW upgrade: stopping watchdog service...
stoping process: WDogSvc...
stopped WDogSvc (pid 1525)
validateFile(): VALIDATEHASH /mnt/sdcard/ROMDISK/romdisk/user/system/image/uImage-golden returned validHash=0
Validated hash for upgrade file uImage-golden...updating
Fri Sep  7 15:48:11 EDT 2018: Upgrading kernel-golden completed.
Fri Sep  7 15:48:12 EDT 2018: FW upgrade: restarting watchdog service...
the pid(18408) is the current process!
Fri Sep  7 15:48:13 EDT 2018: Upgrading filesystem-golden
Fri Sep  7 15:48:13 EDT 2018: FW upgrade: stopping watchdog service...
stoping process: WDogSvc...
stopped WDogSvc (pid 18419)
validateFile(): VALIDATEHASH /mnt/sdcard/ROMDISK/romdisk/user/system/image/system-golden.img returned validHash=0
Validated hash for upgrade file system-golden.img...updating
Fri Sep  7 15:51:14 EDT 2018: Upgrading filesystem-golden completed.
Fri Sep  7 15:51:14 EDT 2018: FW upgrade: restarting watchdog service...
the pid(23143) is the current process!
Upgrade GOLDEN complete
Finish Upgrade on Fri Sep  7 15:51:17 EDT 2018
--- Results of MAIN IMAGE update ----
Start Upgrade on Fri Apr  5 08:17:17 EDT 2013
Archive:  /mnt/sdcard/ROMDISK/romdisk/user/system/
  inflating: build.prop
  inflating: crestronUbootVersion.txt
  inflating: MLO
  inflating: u-boot.img
  inflating: uImage
  inflating: system.img
  inflating: MLO.hash
  inflating: u-boot.img.hash
  inflating: uImage.hash
  inflating: system.img.hash
  inflating: manifest
  inflating: new_manifest
Finish Unzip on Fri Apr  5 08:18:11 EDT 2013
Starting bulk Verify
validateFile(): VALIDATEHASH /mnt/sdcard/ROMDISK/romdisk/user/system/image/MLO returned validHash=0
Validated hash for upgrade file MLO...updating
validateFile(): VALIDATEHASH /mnt/sdcard/ROMDISK/romdisk/user/system/image/ returned validHash=0
Validated hash for upgrade file
validateFile(): VALIDATEHASH /mnt/sdcard/ROMDISK/romdisk/user/system/image/system.img returned validHash=0
Validated hash for upgrade file system.img...updating
validateFile(): VALIDATEHASH /mnt/sdcard/ROMDISK/romdisk/user/system/image/u-boot.img returned validHash=0
Validated hash for upgrade file u-boot.img...updating
validateFile(): VALIDATEHASH /mnt/sdcard/ROMDISK/romdisk/user/system/image/uImage returned validHash=0
Validated hash for upgrade file uImage...updating
Skipping bootloader, versions are the same Installed=0.00.004 image=0.00.004
Fri Apr  5 08:18:37 EDT 2013: Upgrading kernel
Fri Apr  5 08:18:37 EDT 2013: FW upgrade: stopping watchdog service...
stoping process: WDogSvc...
stopped WDogSvc (pid 1498)
validateFile(): VALIDATEHASH /mnt/sdcard/ROMDISK/romdisk/user/system/image/uImage returned validHash=0
Validated hash for upgrade file uImage...updating
Fri Apr  5 08:18:44 EDT 2013: Upgrading kernel completed.
Fri Apr  5 08:18:44 EDT 2013: FW upgrade: restarting watchdog service...
the pid(2319) is the current process!
validateFile(): VALIDATEHASH /mnt/sdcard/ROMDISK/romdisk/user/system/image/ returned validHash=0
Validated hash for upgrade file
Fri Apr  5 08:19:10 EDT 2013: Upgrading filesystem
Fri Apr  5 08:19:10 EDT 2013: FW upgrade: stopping watchdog service...
stoping process: WDogSvc...
stopped WDogSvc (pid 2324)
validateFile(): VALIDATEHASH /mnt/sdcard/ROMDISK/romdisk/user/system/image/system.img returned validHash=0
Validated hash for upgrade file system.img...updating
Fri Apr  5 08:20:55 EDT 2013: Upgrading filesystem completed.
Fri Apr  5 08:20:55 EDT 2013: FW upgrade: restarting watchdog service...
the pid(2402) is the current process!
Upgrade complete
Finsih Upgrade on Fri Apr  5 08:20:58 EDT 2013

Guess What Definitely Runs Linux

units   System Uptime
 19:49:28 up  1:02,  load average: 0.20, 0.18, 0.17

Linux OS::
Linux GP-DSP01 3.2.0-svn175076 #1 Thu Aug 23 14:30:52 EDT 2018 armv7l GNU/Linux

Build: August 23 2018  (292003)
Bootloader: 0.00.004
Control FPGA version: 1
Audio FPGA version: 14
DSP Main version: 46
DSP Audio version: 46

1: C2I-DSP-1283-System Slot
2: C2I-DSP-1283-Analog Input Slot
3: C2I-DSP-1283-Analog Output Slot
4: C2I-DSP-1283-USB Slot
5: C2I-DSP-1283-Dante Slot
6: C2I-DSP-1283-AEC Slot
7: C2I-DSP-1283-VOIP Slot
8: C2I-DSP-1283-POTS Slot
9: C2I-DSP-1283-LogicOut Slot

DSP Restore

Gave up - trying this!

WARNING: This command will restore all DSP parameters to factory defaults.
WARNING: All DSP presets will also be removed.
Do you want to continue (Y or N)? y
Rebooting system.  Please wait...



More to come!