Fragforce Remote (Re)Streaming Infrastructure
Still Have Fragforce Achievement Coins Left!
A few FACs mentioned in this post are still available. Just let me know if you want a free one!
Fragforce Achievement Coins
General Request Form
The first 50 people to request a coin, with priority given to streamers, get a coin!
Donation Request Form
Make a donation to Paulson McIntyre's Extra Life - The top 50 donors get a coin!
That's NOT How You Minecraft
People Who Made Fragforce UCSF 2016 Happen
This is a group photo from the 2016-11-11 to 2016-11-12 Fragforce event at the UCSF Benioff Children's Hospital in San Francisco. The picture features most people who helped make the event happen. Without the people featured and several others that weren't available for the phone (or were taking the photo), the event never would have happened.
Fragforce At UCSF Benioff Children's Hospital 2016-11-11
This is a group photo from the 2016-11-11 to 2016-11-12 Fragforce event at the UCSF Benioff Children's Hospital in San Francisco. The picture features most people who attended the second day of the event.
Fragforce Donations
If you'd like to donate to Extra Life via me you can use this URL:
Fragforce Event Nov 4th & 5th
Fragforce has an event coming up on the 4th (SFDC employees only) and the 5th (everyone). It's basically a big LAN party with board games too.